Build Your Own Fluid Typography Framework in Bricks Builder

โ€ŠIn this video, youโ€™ll learn how to easily create your own fluidly responsive typography framework in Bricks Builder.

Itโ€™ll automatically set perfectly sized and proportioned font sizes for you, at every possible screen size.

Your typography will require zero mental overhead or decision-making about font sizes.

Youโ€™ll have a much wider range of type sizes to play with when building your sitesโ€” not just body copy and headings.

And, youโ€™ll set it up just ONCE and use it on every Bricks site you build from now on.

Grab your free PDF Cheatsheet & Utility Class Code

All the steps I follow in the video, with a nice-n-easy visual reference for future. PLUS all the extra utility class CSS code you’ll need.

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